by Michael O'Neill | Jun 30, 2013 | research
I know I just published my review of Cancer as a Metabolic Disease, but I stumbled across some news that I thought was worth relating. One of the most beautifully written and compelling parts of Seyfried’s exhaustive hypothesis is the idea that metastasis is too...
by Michael O'Neill | Jun 30, 2013 | Low Carb Books
I have many reasons for wanting to read this book: non-hodgkins lymphoma merkel cell carcinoma breast cancer liver cancer pancreatic cancer bladder cancer lung cancer glioblastomas melanoma colon cancer more (sadly) Some days it feels as if there isn’t a type of...
by Michael O'Neill | Jun 26, 2013 | video
Peter Attia’s “What if we’re wrong about diabetes” talk from TEDMED 2013. This is his famous talk about the science behind diabetes and obesity, and how his own personal biases were influencing his judgement as a physician. Well worth watching....
by Michael O'Neill | Jun 11, 2013 | Uncategorized
You may remember Walter Willett from about this time last year, when Gary Taubes took him to task on the pages of Discover for promoting sloppy science. His piece included an excoriating indictment of Willett’s work, agenda and track record: As a case study, I...
by Michael O'Neill | Jun 2, 2013 | Low Carb Books
I don’t think it’s a secret that I’m a big fan of Dr. Westman. We’ve covered him a lot here at, and so it’s no surprise that we’re going to take a look at his latest book: A Low Carbohydrate, Ketogenic Diet Manual: No...