How Can Aspirin Help to Cure Cancer?

How can aspirin help to cure cancer?(1) This question is a consequence of long out-dated dogma of the medical establishment. The truth that puts a lie to this worn-out dogma has been available in the public domain for more than ten years.(2) The truth has been...

A Tale of Two Truths

Herein you will find an account of two truths of optimum human nutrition that are slowly emerging from a huge mix of nutrition literature that clouds rather than clarifies a fundamental field of study.  These two truths, also known as natural laws, evolved in the...

Diabetics – Listen Up!

Update: Ellen’s new book “The Ketogenic Diet for Type 1 Diabetes” is now available. In response to reader requests, here is the information on how to order both of these books: Conquer Type 2 Diabetes with a Ketogenic Diet The Ketogenic Diet for Type...

The Perfect Teeth of Prehistoric Humans

Various scholars of prehistory have given us photographs of prehistoric skulls with sets of perfect teeth in place. The degeneration in dental health that has occurred over the many centuries from the hunter-gatherer people to the current American population is truly...

Epidemiology: Misunderstood? Misused?

The plethora of The-Only-Diet Book-You-Will-Ever-Need publications widely available in sales outlets, each with its own version of the “correct” nutritional philosophy, is testimony to the confusion suffered by the general public. The reason is elegantly described by...