by Michael O'Neill | Feb 10, 2013 | AHS12, video
I’ve been a big fan of Mathieu Lalonde ever since I saw his Science of Nutrition lecture. Seriously, if you can buy a copy or attend one of these all day affairs, you’re going to come out with a lot of knowledge you didn’t have when you walked in. So...
by Michael O'Neill | Jan 28, 2013 | video
In this BBC show, Brian Cox takes us on a tour of the history of sugar…how it is produced, how it is marketed, how it is consumed, and ultimately, how it affects us. If you’ve been paying attention to sugar in your diet, you won’t find any health...
by Michael O'Neill | Jan 22, 2013 | AHS12, video
Dr. Rosedale’s presentation at Ancestral Health Symposium 2012 (AHS12) is not great. But it is damn good. In his talk, he takes the long view on a lot of nutrition topics. In this context, you might expect “the long view” to mean 10 million years or...
by Michael O'Neill | Jan 6, 2013 | video
The folks from the Sugar Is Killing Us community on Facebook have pulled together a clever and informative animated video on how excessive consumption of sugar leads to sickness. It provides a wealth of nutritional information about toxic effects of sugar in an easy...
by Michael O'Neill | Dec 28, 2012 | video
I covered Dr. Oz’s recent change of heart on cholesterol in a previous post. Linked from that post are video clips from the cholesterol segment in question. Unfortunately, there’s an obvious lacuna in the videos hosted on Dr. Oz’s website....
by Michael O'Neill | Dec 17, 2012 | video
A fantastic talk at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center by Craig P. Thompson, President and CEO of Memorial Sloan Kettering. It starts off with a great overview of cancer in general and the associated metabolic pathways of cancer cells, including the Warburg effect...