by Michael O'Neill | Apr 9, 2012 | video
This movie attempts to serve as a rational counterpoint to Morgan Spurlock’s seminal movie, Super Size Me. While often celebrated as an anthem in the keto and low carb communities, I think this flick is weakest when it’s on the attack and strongest when...
by Michael O'Neill | Apr 2, 2012 | video
The weekly news show 60 Minutes does an investigating report on Robert Lustig’s assertion that sugar is toxic. Worth watching for anyone interested in nutrition, regardless of whether or not they are doing keto/low-carb or not. Watch Now Note: Currently...
by Michael O'Neill | Mar 24, 2012 | paleo, video
I like how Mat Lalonde is not afraid to slaughter the paleo sacred cows (so to speak) if they are not scientifically defensible. Now put your learnin’ hat on and get ready to go hard core into the science of nutrition.
by Michael O'Neill | Mar 22, 2012 | video
A great lecture on paleo nutrition and exercise.
by Michael O'Neill | Mar 10, 2012 | video
Loren Cordain, the grandpappy of Paleo, gives a fascinating introduction to who we are and what we evolved to eat. Guess what? Eating more meat was one of the key changes that allowed a large, metabolically active brain to evolve.
by Michael O'Neill | Mar 4, 2012 | video
Fantastic lecture on using low carb in a medical practice to treat obesity, diabetes, etc… Excellent resource for anyone interested in low carb diets. Video 1 of 5 Video 2 of 5 Video 3 of 5 Video 4 of 5 Video 5 of 5