Again this is all palaver. Proteins are used by ALL cells to rieubld the cell, in the event there isnt enough then the body will break down muscle. Muscle only shrinks (atrophy) from lack of exercise. You need 1-1.5 grams of protein per lean weight per day, thats 100 grams at most for all of you per day. Anything less and your muscles will simply shrink, and your metabolism will decrease. You do not NEED carbohydrates AT ALL, your brain can use ketones just fine.
Diet Doctor
Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt’s fantastic blog covering Low Carb, High Fat (LCHF) nutrition.
Gary Taubes' Blog
Probably the most influential science & nutrition writer in the universe (or at lease, my life).
Hungry Julie
Join university-trained chef, Hungry Julie, in her riotous and irreverent romp through keto cuisine.
The blog of Petro Dobromylskyj, British RVC who was bitten by the nutrition bug and has become one of the most insightful contemporary thinkers on nutrition.
Again this is all palaver. Proteins are used by ALL cells to rieubld the cell, in the event there isnt enough then the body will break down muscle. Muscle only shrinks (atrophy) from lack of exercise. You need 1-1.5 grams of protein per lean weight per day, thats 100 grams at most for all of you per day. Anything less and your muscles will simply shrink, and your metabolism will decrease. You do not NEED carbohydrates AT ALL, your brain can use ketones just fine.