Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my keto friends! Remember, more turkey, less stuffing. 😛 If you slip up today, get back on the wagon tomorrow. Don’t dwell, move forward!

100 Million Acres of Beef?

A few weeks ago I was invited to be a guest on one of Jimmy Moore’s podcasts. When we recorded our episode, I got the chance to chat with Brooks Rembert of JB Primal(link removed). During one of our off-air conversations, he mentioned that he was working on a...

Dean Ornish Pedals More Tripe, AWLR Responds

In the September 22 New York Times Opinion Pages, Dr. Dean Ornish pedals more tripe about healthy eating in an opinion piece entitled, “Eating for Health, Not Weight”.  The piece is a startling ramble that vacillates between vainglorious self promotion of...